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"This is an app that guarantees to sell second-hand goods"


I tried making a detecting module which can recognize whether a material thing has a volume by only two images using Deep-learning skill. This project is a safety guarantee service that the seller's products are real in the second-hand market. The motivation in the project is that sellers have taken with re-capturing photos of objects they do not have and posting fake-product as if they have. The basic idea was that the difference between a picture taken with a flash on the same object and a picture without a flash and a photo with a light source can distinguish between a three-dimensional object and a two-dimensional object depending on the type of light source's diffuse reflection. I played only one role. Using deep-running, develop a module that can distinguish if the picture is taken with a two-dimensional image or a three-dimensional object.


Introducing the Damikko service page that guarantees the seller's product in the second-hand market.

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